What are chakras?
Chakras are considered substations of the mind.
The physical body is a biological machine, it will function even without us wanting it. The physical counterpart of the mind is the brain. The mind communicates with the body through nerves and hormones or glands. The communication system of the body consists of glandular and nerve system. Chakras are considered the subtle counterparts of our glands and substations of the mind. The mind includes all the chakras. The mind functions through the brain, the chakras function through the glands. Glands are physical counterparts of the chakras. Psychic propensities or VRTTI(S) in Sanskrit are the tendencies of the mind. This vrttis are located at first 6 chakras. They may affect the glands as well as glands can affect the psychic propensities. It works both ways. All our glands play an important role in our emotional life. Our propensities are emotional responses that propel us into actions. We can see that whatever is happening in the body will affect the mind and vice versa. Yogis (we) are interested in balance we can create by regulating our secretion of hormones in the glands. By balancing our hormones, we can regulate our emotional responses.
Chakras are located in the spine. Energetically chakras project forward, which is why while meditating, we can visualize and feel them in front of the body. Chakras are also the controlling points that control certain factors within our body. Our body is made of 5 fundamental factors: the solid factor or earth, the liquid factor or water, the luminous factor or fire, the areal factor or air, the ethereal factor or eather. Everything in this universe is made of those 5 factors.
There are 7 main chakras on which we will be focusing in this journal.
1. Muladhara chakra= root chakra
First chakra is located at the bottom of the spine, at the tip of the tel bone. It is controlling the solid factor, the crudest, the densest factor. Body, physical one, is made of 5 fundamental factors which are solid factor or earth, liquid factor or water, luminous factor or fire, areal factor or air and etherial factor or space. Root chakra is the only one without related gland. Every chakra has the inner part, the mandala and the petals. The root chakra has a shape of a square and it is gold in colour. There are four red petals. Muladhara chakra help us to be grounded.
2. Svadhis’thana chakra= the sacral chakra
3. Manipura chakra= the navel chakra
4. Anahata chakra= the heart chakra
5. Vishuddha chakra= the throat chakra
6. Ajina chakra= the seed of the mind
7. Sahasrara chakra= the crown chakra
Lot’s of love,